Your Kotis Team: Who does what?

  • updated 6 mths ago

As a Kotis program client, you have a committed team of doers who are focused on making your life easier. Each member of your support team will work in tandem to create and fulfill your branded swag. This guide will provide details into each role of your team and how they can best assist you.

Account Executive (AE)

The AE is commonly your initial introduction to Kotis. Their primary responsibility is demonstrating our program platform and working with you to sign our agreement. 

Customer Success Manager (CSM)

After onboarding, your CSM will be your ultimate partner. Many of the day-to-day activities will be passed onto your account & program team, but the CSMs focus is understanding your swag goals and ensuring your account is running smoothly. CSMs will stay involved in key events, such as:

  • Big Projects
  • Issue resolution
  • Growth opportunities
  • Business Reviews 

Creative Project Manager (CPM)

The CPM’s focus is everything Swag related. They will work with you to present products your company will love. The creative project manager partners closely with the CSM, and whom you will have the most one-on-one interaction regarding the below:

  • Showcasing and Pricing
  • New product ideation
  • Job management
  • Supplier management
  • Art notifications
  • Issue resolution
  • Upcoming projects
  • Kotis Process Questions

Program Team 

The program team is responsible for building a self-serve platform. The team will work to bring your online store to life and represent your brand. They will also be available to train and educate your team on program features and functions. PM role covers the following tasks:

  • Client program onboarding/training
  • Feature Updates
  • Advising and building online portals
  • Incoming inventory (IIR)
  • Advising on ongoing program maintenance

The CPM and CSM are your daily support duo, when in doubt email both of them. They will ensure your requests or questions are delivered to the right person. To read more about how the product ideation flows, see our Kotis Workflow guide.

  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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