Kotis Salesforce App - Install Guide

  • updated 7 mths ago

To install the Kotis for Salesforce App in a Salesforce Production Org, visit the AppExchange listing and click on "Get Now", or use this link: 

Latest Release (June 2024)

To install the app in a Sandbox Org, visit the AppExchange listing and click on "Get Now", or use this link: 

Latest Sandbox Release (June 2024)

You may be prompted to log into your Salesforce Org when you click the link.

NOTE: If you're using a Partner Org created from the Environment Hub tab of your Partner Org, you'll use the Production Org link, not the sandbox link.


1. Select "Install for All Users"

2. Allow the installation to complete - you'll receive an email when the app has been installed.

Enable My Domain

The Kotis App requires that My Domain be enabled in your org. If My Domain has not been setup please complete the next steps:

  1. Go to Setup → My Domain
  2. Enter the domain name of your choice and check the availability
  3. Once you have picked an available domain name, register it.
  4. You'll receive an email confirmation in a few minutes to test the new domain, click on the provided link in the email.
  5. Once logged in, using the new domain, go to My Domain again and "Deploy to users"

Configuring API keys

1. Go to Setup > Quick Find: Named Credentials

On both the Kotis API and Kotis Product API Named Credentials, enter the username and key provided by your Kotis Creative Project Manager.
Username is the store name and the password is the API Key.

Configuring the Product Catalog

  1. Go to Setup → Custom Settings
  2. Click "Manage" on the Kotis Store Settings record
  3. Create a Default Organization Level Value by clicking the "New" button at the top of the page 

  4. Enter the store name provided by your Kotis Account representative in the Portal Name field and save 

Configuring order status updates scheduled job

1. Go to Setup > Quick Find: Apex Classes
2. Click on the "Schedule Apex" button
3. Name the Job "Kotis Order Updates"
4. Select the "OrderStatusUpdateScheduler" class using the lookup icon
5. Set the frequency to Weekly, recurring every day
6. Set the start date to today, and the end date to a date significantly in the future (10 years is a good choice)
7. Set the Preferred Start Time to 1AM or your preferred run time

Assigning the Kotis permission set

1. Go to Setup > Permission Sets > Click on the "Kotis User" record Manager Assignments
2. Select the users that should be able to use the Kotis Application and click on "Assign"

Enable record locking and unlocking in Apex

1. Go to Setup > Quick Find > Process Automation Settings
2. Click on "Enable record locking and unlocking in Apex" 
3. Save

Adding the Kotis App to Contact or Lead Lightning Page

The process of adding the Kotis App will depend on how a specific client's org is set up and who the administrator intends to use the application. The Kotis app component can be added to both Contact and Lead record pages.

Example Kotis App Component Placement

1. On the App Launcher, select the Sales app

2. Click on the Contacts tab
3. Change your list view to "All Contact" and click on any contact record
4. On the top right, click on the Gear Icon > Edit Page

5. On the list of components available, at the bottom of the list, you'll find the Kotis Custom-Managed components. You can drag the "Kotis for Salesforce" component onto a Contact or Lead page.

6. Click "Save" on the top right of the App Builder interface. If this is the first time a page has been saved, it must be activated. This is often done by a Salesforce admin who knows which profiles to assign to the page.

A sample page assignment will be as follows:
5.1 - Click on "Activate"
5.2 - Click on "Assign as Org Default"

5.3 - Select "Desktop and phone", then click "Save"
5.4 - Click on "Activation..." again. This time, select "App Default"

5.5 - Click on "Assign as App Default". Select the "Sales" Lighting App and click Next

5.6 - Select "Desktop and phone", then click "Save"
5.7 - Click Save on the top right to save the Contact Record Page
5.8 - Click the "Back" arrow button on the top right to return to the contact record

The Kotis App should now display on the Contact record.

Adding the Kotis order related list to a Contact layout

The final step of configuring the Kotis App is to add the Kotis Order related list to the Contact layout so users can see the history of orders related to a contact. This is again a task often performed by an Admin to suit their org requirements.

1. Go to a contact record and click on the gear icon on the right > Edit Object
2. Click on Page Layouts > Contact Layout
3. In the items menu at the top of the layout editor, select "Related List"

4. Drag the "Kotis Orders" block to the Related Lists Section

5. Click on the wrench icon, select fields to display such as "Status" and "Kotis Order Number"
6. Save the Layout by clicking the "Save" button on the item menu at the top - next to "Quick Save"

That's it! The Kotis App is now available on the Contact layout and can be used to place orders for contacts. If you'd like to set up the app for Lead records, repeat the steps starting at "Example Kotis App Component Placement" but from the context of a Lead.

  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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