How to open and approve or revise a Kotis proof

  • 3 mths ago

Our proofs are a representation of your chosen products with art or specific actions applied 

How you will receive the proof

Look for an email from noreply@kotisdesign.com with a subject line including a six-digit number, your company or brand name, and a description of the products in the proof.

Open the email and click the link to view your proof.

How to read the proof

Our proofs should be read from top to bottom. Each type has different characteristics


For each location a proof image is provided. They are shown in the order the art is applied. Each image is part of the production process with the last image typically being the completed product.

Promo Products

For each location a proof image is provided. If multiple pieces of a product are decorated, they will be shown in individual proof images. The images should be read as a set.

Kotis Importing

The proof image includes the completed product seen from multiple angles. Information about individual decorations will be in a sidebar with additional specifications. These proofs will be very detailed. 


The proof image includes all steps involved with building, adding to, or undoing a kit. 


Action Box

This will describe the art or action shown in the proof image


In most cases we'll present a preview of the art at the top of the proof


Images of each individual product will be shown with decorations or actions applied

Imprint Area

When applicable, an imprint area will be shown with a dotted line. This is the maximum area we can apply the decoration method to. If a different decoration method is requested (and available), the imprint area size may change.

Option Numbers

When presenting multiple options numbers will be visible next to art or products on proof

Proof Notes

If we run into technical issues with your art or products we'll add notes to the proof. Review any on your proof to understand changes made or issues that may impact your art or products

How to approve a proof

If your proof includes no options, and has no outstanding questions, you can approve it.

In the sidebar you'll find "Approve Proof." Review the directions and verify that everything in the proof appears correct. Agree to the Terms & Conditions, sign with your Digital Signature, and click Approve.

How to request changes

In the sidebar you'll find "Request Changes/Choose Final Option." If you have any changes, or a selection of a final art option, put it into the Design Changes box. For pricing requests or product updates use the other box. Once filled, press the Submit Changes button.

Why can't I approve my proof?

If you don't have a button to approve the proof, review it to see what outstanding issue might be left. These are a few typical examples which we've seen.

Options on Proof

If option numbers are next to art, put your selection in the Design Change box and Submit Changes.

If option numbers are next to different products, put your selection in the Product Updates box and Submit Changes.

If option numbers are next to different color products, put your selection into the Product Updates box and Submit Changes. If you want to proceed with all product colors, put in Design Change box "Proceed with all colors" and Submit Changes.

Individual Names

If your products include data which changes per item, such as names on jerseys or codes for redemption cards, we'll need that data so we can add it to the proof before allowing you to approve it.

Low Resolution Images

In some cases, if the art you provided includes low resolution images we may not allow for approval initially and make a note on proof to provide higher resolution images if possible.


If you have any questions reach out to your Creative Project Manager.

  • 3 mths agoLast active
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