CSV Uploads: Ordering for Multiple People at Once

  • updated 2 mths ago


  • Great for submitting multiple orders to different people, ideally +20, at once
  • The person submitting the CSV file is a Program Admin on your account

Formatting Shipping Information

Before getting started, download the XLS template above to follow along.

For the CSV upload to work, it must match the template exactly. If any information is off, the orders will not be submitted correctly risking lost shipments.

Most of the fields are straightforward. For more information, hover over the field in the Excel file for more information. Some specific things to consider beforehand are:

  • Leave the Unique Key blank. Your PM will fill this info in later.
  • Shipping Method options can be found here
  • Address fields:
    • All fields are limited to 30 characters
    • No special characters. These will not be read by the system (example: ą \a; ę).
  • SKU's can be found on the inventory management page, listed like:
    • 38978-1-L
    • Two items separated by a comma; 38978-1-M, 38978-4-OSFA
  • If we are sending a Quantity of 1 item, list 1.  For multiple SKUs separate the quantity by a comma; i.e. 1,1
  • Each order can only have a Packing Slip Note or Handwritten Note, not both. 

International Orders

These orders must have the following information listed on the Excel sheet:

  • Recipient's Email 
  • Recipient's Phone Number

Without the correct information, there will most likely be shipping delays or errors at customs.

Submitting Request

After filling out the CSV template to the best of your ability, email the file to our Client and Program services team. By clicking the link, a formatted email will populate, asking for your program name as well as if the orders are a surprise. We can remove the confirmation email from the orders so your recipients will not be notified of the orders.

*Disclaimer: If the link above does not open your preferred email client, please feel to email the CSV file to customerservice@kotisdesign.com.

Security Note

Please reach out to your IT department for your company's preferred method of submitting files. securely.


  • 🎁 Use the CSV template to submit +20 orders at once
  • 🌎 Fill out all the recipient info as best as possible, keeping in mind international orders require special care
  • 📧 Submit the CSV file to our Client and Program services team via the link above

Thank you!

  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 456Views
  • 1 Following